Thursday, April 4, 2013

Innocent Attack

Beginning of a pleasant walk at the lake ... beautiful end to the day ... no wind, plenty of sunshine, enjoying nature in the Spring.

Angel enjoyment after two days of rain and stay at home ... free to run and explore with dave.

Old ... paid life's dues ... retirement.

What comes after retirement.

Tora, Tora, Tora ... hungry geese flying in for tonights dinner.

Spotted by the champion bird dog ... "right where I want you, stupid ducks"

"hahahaha ... dogs rule ... my turf ..."

"... that's right ... take to the air stupid ducks ... my master dave is proud"

" ...What? What are they doing? They're coming back? ..."

Circling back, mad.

You started it Big Dog ... no place to hide.

The straffing begins ... attack formation ... target (dave) locked on.

Final approach ... safety off.

dave, picking himself off the ground ... where's that damn dog?

Angel: "what was that,dave?"

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