Friday, April 29, 2011

Spokane Fun

Turn Right.

First Glimpse of Home Town.

Now you're really home when you see the tower.

Mount Spokane.

Spokane Jester.

Young love.

Art in the park.

Bird Friends.

Art in the River.

My "Little" Red Wagon.

Come on in.

Sunset at Sally's.

Building blocks.
Best burgers.

Says it all.

Where's waldo?

My first little home ... 35 years later.

Fallen giant and flowers.

Staring at me.

Relax ... enjoying all the sights and sounds ... what a special treat.

Going to Stateline, Idaho ... brings back some wild memories.


 Train Man Art.
Always the tower.

My ideal mailbox.

Riverfront Park.

No ticket to ride.

Special people ... Sister Sally & Royal

Ideal mailbox #2.


Art for the beholder.

The Iron Goat ... icon of downtown Spokane.

Spokane Runners Art and a clown.

Sunset along the Spokane River ... doesn't get much better!


Seen in Sally's backyard.


Trouble focusing.

BIL at work.

The End (regretfully).

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