Thursday, August 25, 2011

Unexplored Canopies in Vermont

Even in Back woods Vermont, the people are there to greet dave, "Come on in, dave, make yerself at home".

My type of highway.

My type of highway.

Trails to explore.

Fruit of the woods. 

Beautiful trees to hug all over the place.

Who's game to go up?

Saying goodbye just in case we don't come back down.

Wonders explained.

Climbing up with tons of camera gear - ugh!!!

Well worth it!!!

God's beauty.

Like reaching the mountain summit.

Breath deeply and enjoy.

Unbelievable view in all directions.


85 years young, a nearby Vermont dairy owner since she was 17. She told me of all the parties they had "in her day". What a wonderful lady to unexpectantly meet on the trail.

CCC Campground as good as when it was built in the 1930's.


Come in have a drink, rest and enjoy the day.

The trail.

The sweet smell of wood and old fires in the fireplace.

Forrest ferns.

Looking for a shot.

A successful climb.

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