Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just A Few

I'm coming back here ... an old OKC Chinese laundry that's been closed for years ... rumors abound a few presses can be heard on Halloween night ... my ticket - read on ...

When I took this photo of the second story of the laundry, there was an odd looking old man staring at me through the broken panes, when I checked the shot, everything was in the frame but the old man ... I swear. I want to be a ghost hunter some day ... I think I'd do good in the parapsychology field.

A favorite of mine in the fall ... gaillardia.

To late.

Here's where I like to come and reflect ... you're welcome to join me.

It's hard to blow my duck call and achieve sharp focus at the same time. I still like - alot.

Friends ... time to get my blind duck set up.

Fish bait.

I love this time of the year with my friends ... soon the geese will be here.

Beauty, closeup.

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